Time's Edge Wiki

The Warble are a species of griffin-like humanoids who control a large area of the Milky Way Galaxy. The Warble Empire is located between the Scutum-Crux and Sagittarius arms of the Milky way Galaxy, approximately 32,000 light-years away from Earth. They are known to their neighbors for being pompous and insufferable, easily placated by bribery and tribute, but also absolutely vicious foes when provoked.

Warble location

Pronunciation of Warble

It is impossible to produce the appropriate sound unless you have a syrinx or equivalent.


The Warble have been around as an empire with their claimed territory for at least tens of thousands of years, maybe longer. In their area of the galaxy, they are one of the more ancient sapient species and have been around long enough that they have simply always been there. Their own recorded history stretches back farther than most of the *warble* care to learn.


Warbletech appears to violate several known laws of physics. There is no obvious source of power for any of their devices or ships, and they do not appear to produce the amount of waste heat that thermodynamics would normally require. Their rivals are sure that the Warble are either stealing energy from other universes, or somehow accessing the vacuum energy of the universe itself, but cannot figure out how it is being done. Any attempts to steal Warble technology or capture the secret appear invariably end up with a device that no longer functions and has destroyed its own power generation modules.

In combat, the Warble tend to rely on uncannily strong force fields and exotic energy weapons, whether on their robotic forces or their starships. They are known for using strange alloys in the construction of both of these, which appear to somehow assist in the production of the protective fields. Ships are always crewed and robotic battle forces are always lead by at least one Warble commander.

Their technology possesses limits and is not just miraculous nonsense, but is not very far short of it either. As an example, consider this: The Warble were willing to teleport one of their young adults to a planet thirty-two thousand lightyears away, alone, equipped with a single tool capable of not only healing the user from almost any injury, but also slinging around cosmic energies for self-defense... for a college-equivalent survival class. The sheer amount of energy and arrogance required for this is remarkable.
